Quick Start Instructions

Overview of Steps

  • Create your Python virtual environment containing the correct requirements
  • Configure your settings
  • Start the required processes

Create your virtual environment containing the correct requirements

Make sure you have pip and virtualenv installed on your system already.

  1. Change into the cloned CeleryManagement directory (where this README is contained)
  2. Run the following: virtualenv --no-site-packages ve
  3. Activate your virtual environment by running: source ve/bin/activate
  4. Install the requirements by running: pip install -r requirements.pip

Configure your settings

  1. Change into the cloned CeleryManagement directory (where this README is contained)
  2. Create your settings.py file from the template by running: cp settings.py.sample settings.py
  3. Open up your settings.py file in a text editor and fill out the following configuration values:
  1. Create your database by running: python manage.py syncdb

Start the required processes

You will need two terminal sessions to run both the event listener and the web application at the same time

  1. Change into the cloned CeleryManagement directory (where this README is contained)
  2. Make sure your virtual environment is active by running: source ve/bin/activate
  3. Start the event listener by running: python manage.py cmrun
  4. Open a new session/terminal
  5. Change into the cloned CeleryManagement directory (where this README is contained)
  6. Make sure your virtual environment is active by running: source ve/bin/activate
  7. Start the web application by running: python manage.py runserver

Starting a worker daemon: (Optional)

All workers must be started WITH events using the -E option to celeryd. To start a worker on the same node you installed this web application do the following:

  1. Change into the cloned CeleryManagement directory (where this README is contained)
  2. Make sure your virtual environment is active by running: source ve/bin/activate
  3. Start a worker node by running: python manage.py celeryd -E